Campaign co-op is also being tested via a semi-public flight, which ends on August 1. Halo Infinite's multiplayer got a big update in May of this year, but it has seen a troubled launch. The Steam Deck verification program currently marks Halo Infinite as unsupported, but also notes that Valve is working on adding support for the game. 343, Valve, and/or Microsoft have not released any statements on this workaround for Halo Infinite, so be careful and modify your Steam Deck at your own risk and expense. There's also the standard risk of unauthorized modification, including potential platform bans or unforeseen issues. DanTheBloke noted some jank and audio clipping. Playing Halo Infinite on Steam Deck comes with a few hitches. Halo Infinite’s first new weapon has arrived Designed to reward accuracy and precision, the semi-automatic M392 Bandit rifle is perfect for mid-ranged encounters. With those steps complete, Infinite should be playable on your Deck. Rename the videos folder or delete the Halo Infinite folder's contents. Set it to use the latest version of Proton GE: GE-Proton7-26. 15 multiplayer launch, and a big reason why the game was an instant hit with PC gamers is that the game is.

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